Everyone is their biggest critic of themselves. We all hope to pass that test or to get that big promotion. But as soon as we see that we don’t get the results we want, we think the worst about ourselves. When I took my first practice test for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB),… [Read more…]
I’m Loving this Tutoring!
I’m loving this tutoring! I’m super glad I came to them. I feel way smarter and confident. I feel like I can do my GED test now. Thanks to Brian and Applied Scholastics Hollywood! APS Hollywood Student
Really an amazing tutoring place for Math, English, Reading and more
The reviews are in! At Applied Scholastics Hollywood, we are passionate about making learning enjoyable for children and their parents and achieving immediate results. Here’s what one parent who has her two kids enrolled in Applied Scholastics tutoring had to say: “Really an amazing tutoring place for Math, English, Reading and more. “My daughter is… [Read more…]
What Is Tutoring?
When you hear the word tutoring, what do you think of? Is tutoring just a way for your child to get help with school work? Many parents believe that tutors are sought when their child is having trouble with a certain subject or with homework. These are only a few of the traditional concepts of tutoring. But,… [Read more…]
Education in America and Its Impact on Society and Applied Scholastics Hollywood’s Response
All is not well in American education. A significant number of citizens are illiterate or functionally illiterate. High school dropouts are swelling the ranks at an alarming rate. Those who are illiterate often find themselves involved in a life of crime or on the public welfare, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars annually. Of… [Read more…]