I know how to handle it if I have a misunderstood word, lack of mass or skipped gradient. I now know how to learn well and use it in my life! —Stuart B. Student
Son’s Reading Brings Happiness to Mother.
I remember the first day I brought Noah to Applied Scholastics Hollywood. He was extremely nervous. He begged me not to bring him because he knew he was going to fail on the assessment, since he couldn’t read. Noah cried and was terrified of failing again. Thanks to Sergio, Noah began to relax and feel… [Read more…]
Overcome Math Study Problems With Our “Learning How To Learn” Course
“This course gave me a chance to see why I had a hard time learning math and didn’t know how to do it. Doing each assignment, answering questions, and writing down what I read helped me get through the toughest part of math by being able to step back and think about my mistakes. This… [Read more…]
Now I Wake Up and Say, “Can I Go to School Now?”
We’re dedicated to helping students and families every day. It’s a regular occurrence here at Applied Scholastics Hollywood to see students who previously “hated school,” who had trouble learning, or who had a hard time with specific subjects, like math or reading, turn around and become winning students who love studying and can apply what… [Read more…]