The Applied Scholastics Hollywood is a nonprofit, charitable organization whose mission is to eradicate illiteracy and empower the individual to become a competent, independent learner with sound communication skills that make it possible to succeed in life.
Applied Scholastics Hollywood offers tutoring in reading and math as well as courses in communication and study skills based on the Study Technology developed by author and educator, L. Ron Hubbard.
Some students who come to us are illiterate. Others are so far below their grade level that they have almost lost hope. We do not label or believe that medication is the solution to poor academic performance. Our intention is to salvage students, no matter their economic status and set them up for success.
All of our programs are designed to address the individual.
Each of our students is tested, interviewed and given a personal program addressing their academic needs.
Our study groups are small to ensure that the student gets proper attention.
Many of our students become volunteers and in turn help others learn to read and write.